本套Cinema 4D教程在C4D中利用VDB建模制作火焰燃烧动画,包括顶点贴图、效果器和域的使用等,另外也有Octane渲染器一些材质的制作和渲染,我将向您展示如何使用VDB Modeling轻松创建匹配。 然后,我们将借助顶点贴图,变形器和场将其转换为燃烧的匹配项。 我们还将创建和集成一些Octane Render材质。火柴燃烧变黑效果C4D教程,Skillshare – Modeling a Matchstick and burning it down in Cinema 4D. 使用VDB建模创建Matschstick模型,设置相机和灯光,创建我们的材质并将其与顶点贴图结合,使用顶点贴图,字段和变形器创建过渡,TurbulenceFD提示/特效/故障,Cinema 4D R20(或更高版本)和Octane Render渲染器。
Modeling a Matchstick and burning it down in Cinema 4D : In this course I will show you how to easily create a match using VDB Modeling. Then we will transform it into a burnt match with the help of vertex maps, deformer and fields. We will also create and integrate some Octane materials.
Cinema 4D R20 (or higher)
Octane Render
We will take care of the following material contents:
Creating the Matschstick Model with VDB Modelling
Setting up the Camera and lights
Creating Our Materials and Combinie them With A Vertex Map
Creating The Transition using a Vertex Map, Fields and Deformer
TurbulenceFD Tip/Show off/ Breakdown