本套C4D教程作者是西班牙CG大咖,通过Cinema 4D制作一些有趣的小场景,从模型到材质灯光渲染,到最后的Photoshop合成最终的商业海报。场景虽小,但内容丰富,包括多叶植物模型,复古录音机模型,气泡和水面效果的制作。Domestika – Organization and Development Of A 3D Project With Cinema 4D.
In this course you will learn basic aspects of 3D such as the process of organizing folders and visual references in the preproduction phase, up to modeling, rendering and final presentation of the project. All this, under a commercial approach, that is, applying a methodology that allows us to make changes during the entire work process as required by the client.