在本套Octane课程中,您将学习如何使用Cinema4D,Octane和Adobe Suite创建自己的次表面散射材质,作者是StudioJQ的创始人兼创意总监,擅长使用Cinema4D,Photoshop,Illustrator和Indesign设计一些非常酷的抽象样式设计。灵感来自《 Made You Look and Show&Go》海报系列,制作超级新鲜和超现实的概念场景,也可以用于电商的广告宣传海报。
SPACEJAM | Subsurface scattering with Cinema4D & Octane. In this class you will learn how to create your very own Subsurface scattering material using Cinema4D, Octane and the Adobe Suite. The result: a super fresh and surreal scene. Class Introduction, Cinema4D – Scene Composition, Cinema4D – SSS Material Creation, 4. Cinema4D – SSS Material Creation P2, Conclusion.