本套Houdini骨骼绑定动画教程,学习Houdini Auto Rig的核心知识和Houdini角色动画绑定基础,此角色动画课程将教您自动绑定角色并获得动画所需的基本控制工具,您将使用自动装备面板设置自动装备以生成我们的全功能装备和控制器,我将利用我的经验向您展示如何实际使用Houdini Auto Rig并创建一些很酷的动画。我叫MC Johnny,我是Digital Extreme的技术总监,我用Houdini为电视/电影,游戏和商业广告创建图形解决方案。
Deep understanding Auto Rig. Create your own Character Picker. Create your own Pose Library. learn Pose to Pose Animations. understanding Houdini Rig Structure. Houdini character skeleton system and posing. Learn the core fundamentals Houdini Auto Rig and animations in Houdini . This course will quickly get you started. Preview,Introduction,Auto Rig Panel,Auto Rig Setup,Auto Rig Guide Setup Arms and Fingers,Auto Rig Controllers Ik and Fk,Character Picker Panel,Character Picker Placing Controllers,Character Picker Placing Continue,Character Picker Panel Tab,InBetween Plugin Installation,InBetween Selection Set and Radial Menu,Pose Animation Explain,InBetween Posing,Rig Controller Posing Continue,Animation anticipation Posing,Jump Animation InBetween Ghosting,Character Rotation Center of Mass,Character Root Translation,Animation Editor,Library Panel Capture Poses,Capture Pose Continue,Using Library Character Walk Around.