如何制作3D衣服?通常人物衣服是设计师比较头疼的事情,现在Marvelous Designer为我们制作布料带来非常大的便利,本套MD科幻感衣服制作教程讲解在Marvelous Designer 6.5中制作一键科幻感十足的衣服模型,包括Marvelous Designer 6.5的基础知识介绍,材质预设的应用,笔刷等内置工具的使用等。您将学习制作3D人体人物服装的完整流程。您将看到如何使用参考图案来设计高端连体服装,技术同样适用于其它衣服比如连衣裙。您将学习MD各种工具和技术,可帮助您创建自己的CG角色服装,让服装动力学模拟变得简单。教程知识点包括Marvelous Designer服装制作前后的思维过程,复杂的服装细节分层,材质预置,衣服折叠角度和强度,以及缝带制作,连体帽子的制作技巧,衣服破面的处理技巧。
Making a Sci Fi Overall in Marvelous Designer 6.5. The goal is to show how to approach visible problems on the fly, as they appear, and to eliminate the natural fear many artists get because the complexity of this garment simulation software. The entire process is demonstrated from start to finish. Using references. Thinking process, before and during the creation of the garment. Detail layering for complexity. Understanding material presets. Fold Angle and Strength. Secondary detail preview with internal line tools. Steam brush. Seam taping.