真人拍摄视频,通过Cinema 4D反向计算跟踪摄像机的运动轨迹,然后合成三维对象,在本教程从头到尾地完成“ Matchmoving”(摄像机跟踪和对象跟踪)的学习。然后继续学习Cinema 4D中的工具和工作流程。不需要任何先前的Matchmoving知识或经验,但需要对实景拍摄的拍摄过程有所了解。用C4D自带的跟踪反求功能,在实拍视频进行跟踪合成,学习科幻视频的合成思路。
Motion Tracking & Object Tracking inside Cinema 4D: Introduction. In this tutorial series, I will guide you through the discipline of “Matchmoving” (Camera Tracking and Object tracking), from start to finish. This series, doesn’t require ANY previous Matchmoving knowledge or experience, but requires some understanding of the filming process of live action shots. Nothing fancy, just basic stuff. For the viewers that have some experience already, you can skip to the “User interface Overview” video, and continue thereafter to learn the tools and workflow inside Cinema 4D.