Kelby One的John McQuiston和Mia McCormick将带您学习DJI INSPIRE1和DJI Pilot App的高级飞行设置技巧和功能。学习如何显示遥测位置以及如何操作机载4K摄像机。您将学习如何使用四轴飞行器的高级设置来捕获平滑且曝光合理的视频和惊人的图像。该课程将引导您设置双人双重操作模式,甚至为您提供使用两个控制器捕捉最佳素材的一些指导。上完本课后,您会自信地驾驶DJI INSPIRE1无人机进行拍摄。学习空旷室外的拍摄和曝光技术,在室外使用GPS进行定位,室内拍摄使用传感器(底部摄像头和两个声波距离探测器)的规则和注意事项,学习风景的拍摄,学习赛车的精彩镜头抓拍,满足对于自媒体的拍摄需求和商业高空摄影的技术需求。
KelbyOne – Inspire1: Advanced Flying and Features with Mia McCormick & John McQuiston. Kelby One’s John McQuiston and Mia McCormick take you through advanced flying settings and features on your DJI INSPIRE1 and DJI Pilot App. They will show where all the telemetry is displayed and how to operate the on-board 4K camera. You’ll learn how to use the quadcopter’s advanced settings to capture smooth and properly exposed video and amazing still images. This class will walk you through setting up dual operation mode and even give you some pointers on capturing your best footage using both controllers. At the end of this class you will feel comfortable and confident flying your DJI INSPIRE1.