如何修饰皮肤,修饰人物眼睛,如何把在强霓虹灯下的照片调节平衡肤色,如何为镜头增加深度和维度,如何平衡肤色,我将展示和讨论用于编辑这些镜头的所有技术,并解释我操作背后的思考过程!我们将在Adobe Photoshop和Lightroom中工作!建议先了解一些Photoshop的先决知识,所教的技巧可以应用于任何类型的镜头照片!因此,希望本教程将帮助您将自己的照片编辑和润饰提升到一个新的水平,并帮助您创建独特而专业的图片编辑!
Liquidverve Portrait Editing Tutorial & Retouching Tutorial Bundle. How to plan an edit. How to fix distractions in the background. How to retouch skin. How to balance skin tones, even in heavy neon light. How to make eyes pop for day and night shots. How to use selective color to create any color palette. How to add depth and dimensionality to a shot. How to use a nondestructive workflow when editing. What is Local Dodge & Burn? What is Global Dodge & Burn? How do we balance skin tones? How do we add depth to the hair? How do we retouch eyes simply? How do we retouch and soften lips? How do we add our own style to a simple retouch? How do we troubleshoot Dodge & Burn issues?