学习如何使用2d参考图片从头开始在Maya中对面部头像建模,模式的技术可以应用到构建游戏,动画和3d打印模型中。我的名字叫Saptarshi Roy,我是3D角色建模师。在我的课程中,我解释了各种建模工具,我还为您提供了该课程的Maya项目源文件和参考图像。课程中使用的Maya13版,使用最新版本的学生不必担心,因为建模工具和工作流程是相同的。这是Maya初学者入门课程,前面讲解了建模的基础知识,如果对MAYA的基础知识有所了解,那学习会将会更容易。Autodesk Maya是一款非常强大的软件,许多领先的动画公司都使用它来创建动画的3d艺术作品。
Udemy 3D Face Modeling for Beginners using Autodesk Maya. If I would have been a beginner I would definitely want to learn Maya quickly. Being a professional character modeler I understand what is required to teach cause Maya is vast and takes time to learn everything. So I have focused on specific tools required for Modeling a 3d Face. In my course I have explained about various modeling tools and have shown you to build a 3d face from a reference. I have also added the Maya files and the reference images for the course for you.