学习在Maya 2019中创建高质量的3D模型和Maya动画,以及Maya灯光和渲染技术。课程介绍了Maya核心技能(建模,纹理,渲染和动画),都是基于项目的真实工作案例。您将学习各种Maya的技术用于电影,广告宣传片,游戏设计和动画。学习Maya软件界面,包括选择和操作对象,组织场景内容以及自定义界面。了解多边形建模,了解NURBS,Polygons,Subdiv建模的区别,学习雕刻以及使用NURBS曲面的知识。了解建模后,您可以学习如何创建和应用材质纹理,以及为创建的作品添加颜色,纹理和设置材质反射率等等。然后探索如何将摄像机,灯光照明效果集成到渲染过程中,并利用新的Arnold for Maya渲染器完成高质量的渲染效果。
Lynda – Maya 2019 Essential Training. Learn to create high-quality 3D models and animations in Maya 2019. This course covers the core Maya skills?modeling, texturing, rendering, and animation?within a real-world, project-based workflow. The techniques you’ll learn here translate equally well to film, motion graphics, game design, and animation. First explore the basics of the Maya interface, including selecting and manipulating objects, organizing scenes, and customizing the interface. Next, learn about polygonal modeling, creating and refining meshes, sculpting, and working with NURBS surfaces. Once you understand modeling, you can learn how to create and apply materials?adding color, texture, and reflectivity to your creations. Then discover how to integrate cameras, lighting, and effects into the rendering process, and leverage the new Arnold for Maya renderer. Last but not least, instructor George Maestri shows how to add movement and life to your work with the animation tools in Maya.