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MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 – The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER


Maya是游戏,电影,商业广告行业领先的3D应用程序。Maya的功能丰富。资深的视觉效果艺术家和讲师Eric Keller逐步教学Maya工作流程,为您讲解Maya界面和工具的深入说明。特别强调建模,纹理,照明和渲染,而演示则说明了如何在专业工作流程中最好地使用这些工具。该视频系列使用基于项目的方法来介绍Maya工作区,Arnold渲染插件,使用MASH实例化,使用图形编辑器和动画层设置UV和动画。本系列中包含的项目文件可用于学习和研究。除了探索Maya的强大工具集之外,您还将学习如何通过界面自定义来优化工作流程。

INTRODUCTION TO MAYA 2019. INTERFACE AND WORKFLOW WITH ERIC KELLER. Preview. Introduction. Maya Projects and Interface. Viewport Display and Grid Options. Maya Toolbox. The Outliner. The Channel Box. Display Layers. The Attribute Editor. The Node Editor. Maya Shelves. NURBS and Polygons. Polygon Modeling Basics. Modeling Toolkit. Maya Sculpting Brushes. Duplication and Pivot Points. Retopology with Quad Draw. Maya Curves. Deformer Basics. UV Texture Editor. Texture Map Basics. Hypershade. Arnold Standard Material. Cameras. Lighting with Arnold Basics. Animating with the Graph Editor. Using MASH for Instancing. Batch Render Settings. Custom Marking Menus. Conclusion.

MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER
MAYA项目工作流程 Introduction to Maya 2019 - The Gnomon Workshop ships ERIC KELLER


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