本C4D X-Particles教程使用Cinema 4D中的X-Particle创建液体模拟。包括流体浇注,流体粘着和混合颜色,创建粘性液体效果,这些效果用于油漆,凝胶,粘液,黏稠,唾液和巧克力等效果。学习Cinema 4D中的X-Particle创建漂亮有趣的粘性流体模拟。教程xpFluids V01仅关注xpFluid PBD求解器对象,而未涉及xpFluidFX求解器。
学习xpFluidPBD求解器的基本设置。X-Particles项目场景设置。标准发射器,体积和对象,粒子半径。与模拟有关的粒子组,修饰符,动作和相关技术问题。网格密度划分和仿真效果 OVDBMesher,碰撞对象,表面附着力技术。Wetmaps,Vertex Maker和使用字段进行控制。颜色混合技巧。Helloluxx – xpFluids V01教程包含场景文件,其中一些使用Redshift进行渲染。C4D X-Particles培训在整个课程中介绍了60多个工作项目文件,这些场景是最终的场景设置文件,使您有机会进行更深入的学习和研究。
xpFluids V01. Create beautiful & fun viscous fluid simulations using X-Particles in Cinema 4D, over the course of nine hours and 31 minutes. This tutorial extensively investigates creating small to medium scaled Liquid Simulation using X-Particles within Cinema 4D. Techniques will include pouring, sticking and colour mixing for creating viscous liquid effects used for such things as paint, gels, slime, goo, saliva and chocolate to name but a few. xpFluids V01 COVERS:The basic fundamental settings of the xpFluidPBD solver. The X-Particles project scene settings. Emitters – Standard, volumes & objects, Particle Radius. Particle Groups, Modifiers, Actions & Questions related to the simulations. Meshing your simulation – OVDBMesher. Collisions – Objects, surface adhesion techniques. Wetmaps, Vertex Maker & use of Fields for control. Colour mixing.
