本套Houdini爆炸破碎教程,是有关Houdini中的Destruction的系列教程中的第一卷。学习破碎效果的参数和技巧。完美现实和可控制的破碎结果,学习刚体动力学模拟生成重要步骤。巧妙使用破碎技巧也可以成为一种强大的程序建模技术。突破Voronoi破碎压裂并学习多个方法添加破碎细节,同时仍保持低分辨率以供以后的模拟使用,我们还将学习布尔压裂的优缺点,甚至手动创建片段以进行最终控制。最后,我们将在Houdini 17及更高版本中了解有关新的RBD压裂工作流程的所有技术。
本课程专为电影或游戏的破坏效果的初中级Houdini用户而设计。看完这门课程后,能够使用许多不同的破碎技术,以可控的有效的方式产生各种裂缝破碎效果,满足需要创造爆炸/破碎等效果的具体需求。使用的工具:Houdini,Houdini 17.5,Houdini 18.
Total Destruction Vol.1 Fracturing. In this volume, the viewer will learn everything needed to generate fracturing in preparation for destruction effects, fracturing is fundamental in achieving realistic and controllable results and is one of the most important steps in the generation of Rigid Body Dynamic simulations. When used effectively, fracturing can also be a powerful procedural modeling technique. We will go beyond Voronoi fracturing and learn many ways to add detail to each fragment while still keeping low-resolution geometry for later simulations, we will also learn the pros and cons of boolean fracturing and even create fragmentation manually for ultimate control. Finally we will learn all about the new RBD Fracturing workflow in Houdini 17 and above; the RBD Material Fracture. This course has been designed for beginner to intermediate level Houdini users wanting to specialize in destruction effects for television, films or games. houdini, houdini fx, houdini tutorial, houdini destruction, houdini fracturing tutorial, fracturing tutorial, sidefx houdini, houdini 18.
