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学习Sony DSLR相机,减少相机抖动,使用自动对焦和自动拍摄模式,连续(连拍)模式拍摄,切换测光模式以获得更好的曝光控制,拍摄全景,清洁图像传感器等技巧。
You can get consistently better photos and video, if you understand your gear. This course helps photographers get up to speed quickly with the essential features and controls of Sony DSLRs—functionality shared by every model from the Alpha 6000 to the 7R II. It’s appropriate for new users and those transferring to Sony from other camera brands. Explore the shooting modes that go beyond “auto”, find out how to take photos and shoot 4K and HD video, and learn to adjust camera settings like ISO for specific situations, such as mixed lighting, fast movement, and low lighting levels. Instructor Rich Harrington also introduces the hardware and lens combinations that will help you achieve the best photos. Keep your camera close by while you watch to get the most from the course.
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