Rhino for Mac 是精确的有机建模工具,对于需要创建复杂形状的设计师来说,它是一个不错的选择。与Windows版Rhino大同小异,本课程涵盖Mac和Windows版本之间的主要区别,基本的界面学习,以及为包括制造、建筑和动画在内的各种行业生成高质量3D模型的技术。作者克里斯·赖利(Chris Reilly)首先展示了如何从点和曲线创建简单的几何图形,并逐步介绍了为3D打印或CNC制作出实体对象的过程。他最后讲了一些有关应用定制材料和渲染设计的课程。是一套非常好的Rhino教程,包含大量Rhino经验!
Learning Rhino 6 for Mac. Rhino 6 for Mac is here. While it doesn’t have the exact same features as its Windows counterpart, Rhino for Mac offers both precise and organic modeling tools, making it a great choice to designers who need to create complex forms and shapes. This course covers the key differences between the Mac and Windows versions, basic interface navigation, and techniques for generating high-quality 3D models for a variety of industries, including manufacturing, architecture, and animation. Author Chris Reilly starts by showing how to create simple geometry from points and curves and progresses to extruding solid objects for 3D printing or CNC milling. He closes with some lessons on applying custom materials and rendering your design. No prior experience with Rhino is required! Simply start watching to get up and running with this powerful 3D modeling software.
Installing Rhino for Mac. Selecting objects. Manipulating objects with commands. Creating curves, surfaces, and solids. Extending, trimming, and offsetting curves. Creating resolved surfaces. Analyzing surfaces. Editing solids. Applying transformations: scaling, rotations, and more. Modeling constraints. Lighting and rendering in Rhino for Mac.
