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根据人物不同形态造型来讲解不同状态下衣服的绘制方法,Ron Lemen制作的《服装解剖学》以视觉方式传达服装和面料,以及不同的衣服材料如何对人体形态产生不同的反应。
In this class, we will deconstruct the materials, from their tensile strength and geometric construction to their surface properties or how they absorb and reflect light. We will work with the armature from the analytical figure drawing class and work on draw through as learned in dynamic sketching class, organizing the clothing into simple easy to use forms using the draw through approach. Other concepts we will cover include the laws of folds, the 7 different types of folds and how they happen, how movement affects the geometry of the drapery, tension points, abstractions and rhythms, rendering and much more. Be prepared to do a lot of construction and rendering.

原版CG教程:2343.988 M