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AE粉笔效果元素动画教程 Skillshare – Learn Chalk Board Animation And Text Design Using After Effects And Photoshop. 讲解在AE中制作手写粉笔字动画效果,包括文字和一些元素动画效果的制作,主要是元素粗糙边缘和抖动的效果,模拟黑板上粉笔字涂鸦效果。
Hi everyone here we gonna learn to make stunning chalky texturized animations in after effects and chalky text design in photoshop. Here we gonna cover two major effects called roughen edges and scribble. Both are available in after effects and easily customizable for even newbies. All text effects covering on the course in photoshop made with simply playing around with layer styles.

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