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C4D Octane渲染教程 Udemy – Complete 3D Visual Art Masterclass in Cinema 4D and Octane. 讲解C4D中场景的制作,学习C4D中Octane渲染器的使用方法,C4D Octane基础教程,包括Octane材质贴图的制作、灯光设置、渲染设置、后期PS细节添加等等。
Do you feel lost and don’t know start because you haven’t came across any comprehensive tutorial? Now you finally did! In this course, you are going to discover how to become a 3D visual designer in Cinema 4D and Octane render. Art theory. 3D Texturing. 3D Lighting. Realistic Rendering. Octane renderer. Photoshop editing. Building a scene in C4D. Cinema 4D landscape.

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