FXPHD – HOU170 – Impact-Based Dust Volumetrics in Houdini Houdini碰撞尘土烟雾特效教程,从不同镜头的准备和优化开始讲解,到场景烟雾粒子的模拟,汽车撞击后碰撞产生的尘土飞扬特效。如何准确描述和渲染尘埃效果,准确描述粉尘运动规矩,且要符合运动规律对于哪怕是CG老手来说,都是不容易的事情,毕竟要模拟碰撞后逼真的尘土烟雾效果不仅仅是技术,还需要对真实粉尘运动的大量观察。
如何通过从RBD动画中提取有用的数据,然后在仿真模拟中注入更多细节。借助DOP微型求解器,我们将通过分层作用力来进一步优化和细节化我们的特效,以精确地施加干扰力场或衰减模拟相关部分,将使用Mantra照明和渲染,Houdini Pyro着色器,并学习如何从灯光和模拟场中提取有用的信息以构建AOV阴影通道以及用于合成的技术通道。
The course begins with preparing and optimizing the assets to ready them for fast iteration during the shot production process. It then dives into the often scary world of DOPs by building a smoke simulation network, which will allow you to both demystify and master the workflow. Great care will be taken in studying the crucial step of the volume sourcing emission. You will see how to avoid stepping, as well as inject as many details in the simulation right from the emission by extracting useful data from the RBD animation. Collisions will be covered as well, and we will see how to visualize them correctly to troubleshoot any collider related issue. And velocity noise will be added separately to have finer control on our emission. Finally, we will further direct and complexify our simulation by layering forces thanks to DOP micro-solvers. To assist us in this task, we will build our own fields and use them as masks to precisely disturb or damp relevant parts of our simulation. The important part of lighting and rendering will also be covered, using Mantra in this process. You will see how to use lights to shape the volume and reveal its finer details. Houdini’s Pyro shader for smoke is covered as well as learning how to extract useful information from lights and simulation fields to build AOVs, shadow passes, as well as technical passes for compositing.
