讲解Houdini 17中各种特效的制作方法,更有效率的制作技巧等,适用于Houdini基础学习,学习Houdini是一项艰巨的任务,特别是新手入门,对于Houdini的工作流程很难理解,一种特效有多种实现的方式,Houdini拥有大量的节点,如果最佳方案解决问题非常重要,学习开发自己的解决方案和工具。
Houdini Contexts. TAUGHT BY JERONIMO MAGGI. Learning Houdini can seem like a daunting task, especially if it’s the first time you are using procedural workflows. The many different ways in which one effect can be achieved combined with the vast amount of nodes and low-level manipulation of 3D geometry that Houdini offers is very hard to understand in the beginning. If you want to build a strong foundation not only in learning the software but also in understanding how to work procedurally, this is the course for you.