Houdini火焰烟雾特效教程 CG Circuit – Houdini FX Series – Pyro Cluster Smoke. 讲解在Houdini中模拟制作群体火焰烟雾特效制作的过程,比如海上船只爆炸燃烧场景等,在Pyro中创建大规模仿真的技巧,使用TOP网络和群集,这使我们可以将模拟分为多个部分,然后逐个进行模拟,而且非常方便添加新的特效元素。学习如何用Houdini制作烟雾特效,学习Houdini制作火焰,调整火的形状,烟雾的渲染,最终完成海面上火焰燃烧浓烟滚滚特效场景。
Houdini FX series. Pyro: cluster smoke. In this lesson I will cover some methods creating large scale simulations in Pyro. Inspired by “Midway”, I decided to create a scene with a destroyed ship and with a lot of smoke around. The main problem was that large-scale simulation requires a large amount of resources. Therefore, I decided to use the TOP network and clusters, which allowed us to split the simulation into parts and simulate one after another. Also, the new sparse system made it possible to add additional elements very easy. Ship model not included, you can find it on sketchfab, it`s free.