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女性薄纱裙衣服制作教程 ArtStation – Tutorial On Creating Lace Dress In Marvelous Designer By Marianna Yakimova. 讲解在Marvelous Designer中制作女性优雅裙子衣服的整个步骤,包括衣服的建模制作、材质的制作、渲染输出镂空蕾丝、刺绣花纹等。为游戏和实时渲染创建逼真的服装布料材质,从建模到纹理化的完整制作过程。在Marvelous Designer中建模衣服,在Zbrush中雕刻,在Maya中进行拓扑结构,在Substance painter中进行纹理化。
ArtStation – Tutorial on creating lace dress in Marvelous designer by Marianna Yakimova. I will guide you and explain methods used to create outfit with Marvelous Designer. Video has a written explanation witheasy follow. Video from exporting to importing in 3ds max andall the settings and rendering etc., are written explainingwhat to do.In this video I will showcase creating a lace dress from start to finish!

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