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Houdini大面积流体海浪特效制作教程 CGCircuit – Houdini Essentials Large Scale Fluids. 讲解Houdini 18中通过Flip技术来模拟大面积海浪冲击效果,Flip解算器各种参数的设置来控制水花,自定义VDB来模拟碰撞等。
In this Houdini Essential series, we are going to take a look at some advanced Flip Fluid techniques in Houdini to create a large scale water splash.We will dissect various parameters of the flip solver such as droplets, narrow banding and drag fields to control the scale of our simulation. We will construct custom VDBs of our geometry for accurate collisions. We then will effectively use the new white water system and talk about repellents, erosion, density controls, etc to control and create our foam elements.
原版CG教程:4259.167 M