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Substance Painter全面介绍基础案例教学 Introduction to Substance Painter 2020. Substance Painter 2020是一款标准工业化贴图软件,本教程全面讲解游戏贴图制作的流程,包括软件UI及二面、视窗、材质节点、图层、贴图预设、材质、智能材质、烘焙渲染等多方面知识点。本套SP教程非常适合新人入门,也包括提高进阶项目案例。
This comprehensive 3.75-hour workshop details many different types of materials and provides a thorough insight into Chris’s tried-and-tested methodology. Topics covered include the Substance Painter interface, display and viewport features, material layering, Texture Sets and Materials, Smart Materials, Projections, Stencils, Baking, Anchor Points, and how to approach hard surface weathering and detailing using Substance Painter.

原版CG教程:7700.144 M