Maya 2020 新手入门基础教程 FlippedNormals – Introduction To Maya. 您将学Maya所需的所有知识,全面讲解Maya2020的使用方法,包括三维建模、拓扑、XGEN、绑定、材质、着色器、灯光、阿诺德渲染等,重要的是要学习这些工具如何工作以及如何实际地使用它们。
With over 12 hours of high quality training, you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to get started with Maya! We’re looking at topics like 3D modeling, retopology, xgen, rigging, shading techniques, lighting and using Arnold for rendering. We believe it’s important to learn both how the tools work and also how to actually practically use them. The spartan helmet project is a 3.5 hour long real time series where you can easily follow along. We cover setting up image planes, making an industry standard 3D model, advanced shading techniques, grooming with Xgen and finally lighting and rendering everything with Arnold.
