AE表达式全面讲解教程(英文字幕) Udemy – After Effects Expressions KickStart Course 2020. 讲解AE表达式的使用,可以帮助移除无用的关键帧,优化工程,最后可以自己书写表达式,很多人觉得After Effects Expressions很难,刚刚接触AE表达式可能会无从下手,但AE Expressions确实能提高我们的动画制作效率,很多MG动画也是离不开AE表达式的支持,本套AE表达式教程通过热门常用案例讲解了After Effects Expressions KickStart Course 2020. 制作炫酷动画也变得非常简单。
This course will teach you to understand and to write your own expressions. You’ll get so much more than just theory. It will be a real practice .You’ll finally get rid of tons of useless keyframes and get your work automized. We’ll show you how to work with many functions and teach you so many cool and unique techniques that will save your precious time.
