Nuke视频特效合成教程(英文字幕) Udemy – Introduction to Nuke VFX Compositing The Essentials – NK101. 以一个商业实例案例来讲解Nuke视频特效合成的整个流程,包括用户界面、合成工具、节点等的知识。学习Nuke的用户界面,数字合成的概念和技术,加性色理论,图像格式/分辨率/颜色,2d追踪,Rotopaint和Rotoscoping,关键帧动画,颜色校正/颜色分级技术,色度键控简介/去除绿屏/抠像,相机特征(镜头失真,颗粒,传感器噪点),Cleanplating和分离提取元素,学会渲染成品,学习良好的合成习惯,合成工作流程和层次结构。本课程主要侧重于合成的2D方面,它涉及替换背景,对前景和背景进行色彩校正和混合,将背景跟踪到前景的运动以及将它们无缝地组合在一起,视频跟踪/追踪,另外,您还将学习如何在角色前面创建动画科幻全息图效果!
Introduction to Nuke VFX Compositing: The Essentials – NK101. A full Nuke visual effects training course for VFX Compositing in Nuke. Final project of a Junior Compositor shot! What you’ll learn. Nuke’s User Interface. Concepts and techniques for digital compositing. Additive color theory. Image formats / resolutions / colors. 2d Tracking. Rotopaint and Rotoscoping. Keyframe animation. Color correction / color grading techniques. Introduction to Chroma Keying / Greenscreen removal. Camera traits (Lens distortion, grain, sensor noise). Cleanplating and removing objects from a scene. Rendering. Good compositing habits, compositing workflow and hierarchy, script organization.
