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SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse


Substance Painter基础入门进阶教程 Artstation – Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse. 包含The Basics基础教程部分+Advanced Techniques高级进阶技巧教程,讲解Substance Painter中制作贴图的基本流程。在本课程中,Christophe Desse向您介绍了Substance Painter的使用案例,同时逐步介绍了对资产进行纹理化所需的关键工具和技巧。

Substance Painter 101 – Part 1 – The Basics. In this course, Christophe Desse provides an introduction to Substance Painter while walking through the key tools you will need to get started with texturing your assets. In this Series Christophe teaches you both the fundamentals to get you started in Substance Painter and demonstrates some advanced techniques to help push your texturing pipeline to the next level! Baking Process. Brushes and Interface. Fill and Paint Layer. Building a Smart Material. Stencil and Projections. Painting The Head. Tying It Together.

SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse
SP基础入门进阶教程 Substance Painter 101 by Christophe Desse


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