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C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D – Redshift Optimization Motion designer


作者有8年以上的工作经验,在本课程中,我将向您展示如何通过调整设置来减少Redshift中的渲染时间。我们将研究采样覆盖设置的技术,激活RTX加速,并且我将向您展示如何在调整采样值之前分析场景的算法。教程讲解加快C4D Redshift渲染速度的小技巧,该课程介绍了加快渲染阶段的基本但非常有效的方法。重要说明:Redshit 3.0.18开始引入了一些新的设置,教程在Redshit 3.0.22中完成。

Cinema 4D: Redshift Optimisation. Alexey Brin, Motion designer Follow. In this class I`ll show you how we can reduce render time in Redshift by tweaking settings. We will study the benefits of Sampling overrides settings, activate RTX acceleration and I will show you the algorythm of how we should analyze scene before tweaking sample values. This class cover basic but very effective ways of speeding up your render stage. Important notice: Some of the additional settings were introduced in Redshit 3.0.18, class is done in 3.0.22. So if you have 2.6 version some of the options will not be avaible in your version.

C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer
C4D Redshift渲染优化教程 Cinema 4D - Redshift Optimization Motion designer


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