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PS平面设计基础教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Photoshop 2021 Essential Training: Design. 本教程主要是学习PS2021常用工具和增强功能,讲解PS 2021在平面设计方面的使用,包括PS 2021在选区、遮罩、多余元素去除、图片扭曲等多方面的功能提升介绍,同时讲解PS 2021智能图层、滤镜、扭曲图层、文字、图形层、绘制、矢量路径的编辑、钢笔工具的使用。
This course was created specifically to help designers master the most commonly used tools and techniques with the goal of removing technical barriers in order to start creating as soon as possible. Photoshop 2021 boasts even more tools and enhancements for selecting and masking images, removing distracting elements, and warping images—all while maintaining the highest-quality output. In this course, Julieanne Kost demonstrates how to efficiently work with Smart Objects and Smart Filters, distort and warp layers, work with text, create shapes, draw and edit vector paths using the pen tool, build animations, apply painterly effects, save and share libraries, and work with artboards.

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