红巨星视频特效预设套装使用教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Using Red Giant Universe for Video Editors and Mograph Designers. Red Giant Universe 拥有GPU编辑器和动态图形艺术加速,为编辑人员和动态图形艺术家提供80多种GPU加速的效果和过渡。使用Red Giant Universe风格化您的镜头。使用VHS,Retrograde Carousel,Glitch,Holomatrix II等工具,为您的镜头提供真实的复古和现代外观。
Red Giant Universe是红巨星出品的一个视频特效插件套装,里面包含大量的特效插件,本教程会讲解里面一些比较常用和实用的插件,比如Glitch, Chromatic Aberration, Knoll Light Factory EZ, 和 Holomatrix等,也有模糊、辉光、效果插件、转场和其他一些个性化插件的使用,红巨星特效预设库套装 Red Giant Universe 可以用于AE/Premiere/FCPX/达芬奇/OFX Win/Mac
If you’re an editor or motion graphics artist, Red Giant Universe is a massive upgrade to the effects available in your nonlinear editor or motion graphics application. In this course, Nick Harauz reveals the advantage of having this large arsenal of plugins on your side and how Red Giant Universe can simplify and expand your workflow options. Nick reviews his favorite plugins in the suite, including Glitch, Chromatic Aberration, Knoll Light Factory EZ, and Holomatrix. Learn how to use blurs, glows, transitions, generators, and other stylized effects to achieve exactly the look you want and work with large amounts of text with ease. Discover how to animate logos without keyframes, add a realistic grunge texture, and create and manipulate shapes. Plus, learn how to build an FUI display with the Universe HUD components and save your custom presets and stacked effects for sharing with other projects and colleagues. Leveraging blurs. Making transitions pop. Laying out lots of text. Animating logos without keyframes. Building HUD displays. Saving presets and stacked effects.
