灰猩猩GSG C4D Octane渲染器使用教程 Greyscalegorilla – Getting Started with Octane. David Ariew 是一位著名的Octane大师,他使用他最喜欢的Octane技术制作了这门课程,以帮助您快速入门。全面讲解Octane渲染器的使用,各种工具的使用方法、置换工具、贴图的制作等。Octane有一些非常有用的置换工具,深入研究Octane纹理节点,Octane因其简单快速的纹理和节点选项而闻名。在本课程中,您将学习Octane制作照片级真实纹理的技巧。
Getting Started With Octane : In this training, Octane expert David Ariew gives you a super informative and efficiently paced speedrun through his extensive Octane knowledge. Use displacement and textures to make a space scene. We’ve all seen those amazing Octane renders of space. That’s because Octane has some really useful displacement tools. Learn how to use them and also get a couple of textures to use in your own space scenes.
