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Houdini酒杯流体特效教程 模拟汽水倒入酒杯后冒泡特效 The Gnomon Workshop – Introduction To Flip Fluids In Houdini. 讲解Houdini中酒杯流体制作的方法,涉及到流体发射器的设置、FLIP解算器的讲解、灯光的设置和最后的渲染等。
INTRODUCTION TO FLIP FLUIDS IN HOUDINI. CREATING A CHAMPAGNE POUR SIMULATION WITH DANNY BARNHART. Danny Barnhart cracks open his simulation secrets with a close look at how to create fizzy fluids in Houdini. Using a champagne flute and a bubbly liquid for this beginner- and intermediate-level demonstration, Danny walks through the entire process of simulating a champagne pour, from the initial setup of the fluid emitter to the final lighting and rendering. The workshop aims to familiarize artists with Houdini’s FLIP Solver as well as instructing how to work with particles to create believable motion.
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