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赛博朋克卡通人物PS绘画教程 Artstation – Cyberpunk Sam – From Sketch to Final. 讲解在photoshop中人物的概念设计、绘制、贴图材质的使用、PS的三维渲染等技术,从素描到最终润色完成半机械人头作品,教程包含PSD项目源文件。
Cyberpunk Sam – From Sketch to Final. This tutorial covers the process of creating a character and rendering it from start to finish. I go over my process and technique using digital painting and photobashing to add details to produce a high quality artwork.
Character design. Digital painting. Using photo textures and Photobashing. Using 3D renders. 10 narrated videos covering each part of the character and the background. Final though video going over the final touches. Character PSD. BG and Cyborg Head PSD. High rez final illustration. 3D renders. Links to some of the stuff I mentioned in the tutorial.

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