Nuke特效场景合成教程 Udemy – Fundamentals of CG VFX Compositing in Nuke – NK303. 讲解Nuke中CG场景合成教程,包括光效的制作、颜色匹配、Z通道深度调节、镜头细节元素的添加等。将CGI(计算机生成的图像)渲染集成到真实场景中,在Nuke内部渲染图层(AOV),根据源图像创建动态镜头光晕,研究阴影和光,以及如何与实拍视频匹配,匹配图像的色调,暗度,高光,使用ID传递来更正不同的几何形状,如何匹配相机属性(散焦,颗粒,散景,镜头变形),通过轻互动在Nuke中创建水滴效果,在干燥的表面上产生湿润/下雨的效果,使用法线AOV微调。
Fundamentals of CG VFX Compositing in Nuke – NK303. CG Compositing Soft Skills (Understanding the basics of lighting, shadows, reflections, and other physical properties of the real world). Multi-pass CG compositing: Learning how to break a render into layers and control individual elements. Grading CG to match real world footage. Using “utility” passes to enhance a CG render. Creating light effects and glows based off of luminance keys and ID mattes. Creating particle rain with light interaction. Creating fake refractions inside of Nuke. Projecting color grade mattes to adjust the look of a scene. Artistic grading concepts and compositional lighting techniques. Using mathematical expressions to generate 3d noise patterns. Extra techniques and tricks along the way.
