Substance Designer材质制作教程 CGCircuit – LKD 101 – Look Development in Substance. 首先在Maya中进行多通道渲染,然后Substance Designer中制作依次制作材质贴图,在本教程中,我们将介绍如何使用Substance Designer进行材质开发。从Maya中使用渲染层模板开始,我们渲染出一系列通道,然后使用它们通过预建的多材质网络在Designer中创建外观材质。
LKD 101 – Look Development in Substance. Using Substance Designer. In this tutorial we cover how to use Substance Designer for Look Development. Starting in Maya with a render layer template, we render out a series of passes and then use them to create a look dev in Designer using a pre-built multi-material network.
