Blender三维场景搭建制作教程 Gumroad – 3D Environment Design For Production. 讲解Blender如何逐步搭建三维游戏电影场景,包括场景元素的添加,Quixel或者其他预设库的使用,工业流程等。学习用于生产的3D环境设计技术。了解Blender及其实时工具如何在好莱坞电影和AAA游戏的专业制作工作流程中使用,以制作高质量的环境概念设计。
3D Environment Design for Production. See how Blender and its real-time tools can be used in a professional production workflow for Hollywood movies and AAA video games to produce high quality environment concept design. See the power of a real-time environment design in Blender. How Quixel and other asset libraries can accelerate your workflow. What does it mean working in a production pipeline? How will it influence our workflow and decision making? Learn to identify and focus on the important aspects of design.
