溶解破碎特效Cinema 4D教程 Cineversity – Dissolve Effect Using PolyFX and MoGraph Tools. 利用C4D的PolyFX效果器,运动图形的系列效果器等,来制作溶解破碎粒子消散特效,包括材质的制作、多边形溶解的制作思路讲解等。
Cineversity – Dissolve Effect Using PolyFX and MoGraph Tools. In this tutorial series we will take a look at some techniques that allow us to create an object dissolve effect, using the PolyFX Modifier, MoGraph Effectors and Fields. We will also see how to use this setup to drive a material, and use it with Cinema 4Ds materials.This technique is ideal for dissolving static meshes, and although it could be adapted to work with animated ones, as it stands, it will have some limitations.We will start by creating a mesh object with irregular shaped polygons, so the dissolve looks more interesting and organic.
