Animate动画教程(中文字幕) Lynda – Adobe Animate Essential Training. 全面讲解Animate的界面UI、绘制、动画、和其他设计软件的交互等,新手基础教程。Adobe Animate CC是款由Adobe开发的多媒体与电脑动画制作软件,由Flash Professional更名而来并整合Edge Animate。
Adobe Animate CC2020是Adobe公司发布的Adobe Animate CC系列最新版本,简称An cc2020,此软件的前身为Adobe Flash Professional CC。此版本提供了增强缓动预设相机、图层深度增强、操作代码向导等实用功能,支持外新增HTML 5创作工具,为网页开发者提供更适应现有网页应用的音频、图片、视频、动画等创作支持。Adobe Animate CC 2020在继续支持Flash SWF、AIR格式的同时,还支持HTML5Canvas、WebGL,并能通过可扩展架构去支持包括 SVG 在内的几乎任何动画格式。除此之外Adobe Animate CC2020还新增了整合式虚拟摄影机,使用内建虚拟摄影机 (V-Cam) 平移和缩放动画,就像您平常操作视讯摄影机一样,虚拟摄影机还能让您加入色调和滤镜。
Discover how to use Adobe Animate—the multimedia drawing, layout, animation, and interactive design application—to create rich, expressive animations and interactive content. Instructor Joseph Labrecque covers what you need to know to get up and running with this powerful application, discussing how to create a basic Animate project, work with ready-to-use assets, and share your work. He also covers how to animate original content, including how to improve the look of your assets using color management tools and bring your assets to life using shape, classic, and motion tweens. Plus, learn how to take your animations to the next level by incorporating sound and adding common interactions.
