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Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程

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游戏模型材质制作教程 Artstation – Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings. 进一步讲解Substance Painter中制作游戏贴图的方法,通过对贴图图层的控制得到更逼真的贴图效果。

This course with Jay Cummings provides a look into the process of texturing using Substance Painter, taking advantage of its tools and features to create a photo-realistic, game-ready 3D asset. Jay explores the use of resources and accurate references, building up layers of detail based on asset intentions, and how to leverage your layers properly to ensure a clean, high-quality result.

Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程
Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings 游戏模型材质制作教程

原版CG教程:900.603 M



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