Blender场景模型教程 CGFastTrack – Polygon Modeling Boot Camp Volume 1 2 3. 一共包含3套教程,分别讲解Blender中地牢场景、暗影头盔、斧子(龙斧)的建模步骤和技巧。Blender多边形建模教程Volume1-3合集。
CGFastTrack – Polygon Modeling Boot Camp Vol. 1 – Dungeon
Grab your mouse and gear up to model! Build this fantasy dungeon while leveling up your modeling skills using mainly hotkeys to sharpen your polygon modeling techniques.
CGFastTrack – Polygon Modeling Boot Camp Vol. 2 – Dragon Axe
Take your modeling skills to an entirely new level as you build this dark fantasy helm. Learn intermediate topology techniques and focus on controlling edge flow while crafting complex forms with these precision methods.
CGFastTrack – Polygon Modeling Boot Camp Vol. 3 – Shadow Helm
Learn how to create detailed assets while you build this epic fantasy dragon axe. You’ll get familiar with the process of using both broad strokes plus fine high poly details and baking them into normal maps.
