三维扁平化和尚人物MG动画AE/C4D/PS大师班 Motion Design School – 3D Monks Animation Masterclass. 在本大师班中,我将与您分享我在创建3D模型动画全流程,学习After Effects和C4D中的动画技术以及Adobe Photoshop中的逐帧动画方面的经验。从概念到最终完成动画结果整个过程。学习在AE中制作三维扁平化风格人物MG动画,包括在C4D中对三维和尚的建模、人物动画的制作、材质和渲染、多通道输出、后期AE的合成。要求对After Effects,Cinema 4D和Photoshop有基本了解。课程涉及软件和插件:Cinema 4D,After Effects,Photoshop,AE Plugin: Particular,С4D Plugin: Magic Solo.
MASTERCLASS BY MAX KRAVCHENKO. 3D Monks Animation. About Masterclass: In this masterclass, I’ll share with you my experience in creating 3D models, animation techniques in After Effects and C4D and frame-by-frame animation in Adobe Photoshop. Together will go through the full pipeline from the idea to the final result.