卡通手绘流体特效MG动画教程 Motion Design School – Frame by Frame Handdrawn FX. 主要讲解在Adobe Animate(Flash)中绘制流体效果的图形动画,比如烟雾/自然现象/有机体等。在本课程中,您不仅将学习如何制作特殊效果的动画,而且还将学习如何实际绘制它们。我们将深入探讨如何为任何类型的自然能量设置动画的原理,制作液体流体动画,角色变形动画,烟雾冒烟动画,气泡水泡动画等。是一门有关绘画和设置特效的课程,学习软件必不可少的逐帧动画技能。
Frame-by-frame Handdrawn FX. A course on drawing and animating special effects like smoke, natural phenomena and organic forms. Gain frame-by-frame animation skills essential for any software. In this course, you will learn not just how to animate special effects, but also how to actually draw them. We will dive deep into the principles of how to animate any type of energy. Liquids, morphings, smokes, bubbles, etc.
