前面翻译发布了 灰猩猩GSG C4D R20教程 Greyscalegorilla – Guide to Cinema 4D C4D R20 Training+Project(https://www.verycg.com/6217.html)。本套是灰猩猩GSG C4D R21/S22教程和项目源文件。学习C4D的场力+粒子填充效果,了解如何使用场力,粒子,头发和各种合成技巧来创建这种流光溢彩的炫酷效果。然后学习制作Field Force标题动画,Cinema 4D R21引入了Field Forces新功能,学习Cinema 4D R21中引入的新功能。
C4D R21 Projects.R21 Training.S22 Training. Guide To Cinema 4D. The ultimate place to learn Cinema 4D and stay up to date on everything that gets released. Field Force + Particle Filled Titles(Learn how to create this cool effect using field forces, particles, hair, and various compositing tricks). Let’s Make This Field Force Title Animation(Dive into Cinema 4D Field Forces. Set up a simple 3D title and then add some moving elements. Field Forces were introduced in Cinema 4D R21). Introduction to R21 Features(Learn how to use the new features and additions introduced in Cinema 4D Version R21). The ultimate place to learn Cinema 4D.
