SP(Subtance Painter)游戏模型材质纹理制作教程 Artstation – Subtance Painter Pushing Your Texturing Futher by Jay Cummings. 进一步讲解Substance Painter中制作游戏贴图的方法,通过对贴图图层的控制得到更逼真的贴图效果。Jay Cummings是英国3D环境艺术家。曾在游戏艺术教育领域工作,目前是Deep Silver Dambuster的初级环境美术师。本SP课程将介绍使用Substance Painter进行纹理化的过程,并利用其工具和功能来创建逼真的,可用于游戏的3D资产,学习建立细节层,以及如何正确利用层来确保干净,高质量材质纹理效果。
Substance Painter: Pushing Your Texturing Further. by Jay Cummings — Junior Environment Artist @ Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. This course with Jay Cummings provides a look into the process of texturing using Substance Painter, taking advantage of its tools and features to create a photo-realistic, game-ready 3D asset. Jay explores the use of resources and accurate references, building up layers of detail based on asset intentions, and how to leverage your layers properly to ensure a clean, high-quality result.
