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Marvelous Designer街头潮牌服装设计训练视频教程。MARVELOUS DESIGNER更好、更快、更简单地制作3D服装!Marvelous Designer高质量服装制作工具,体验最强大的布料模拟引擎!任何人都可以用Marvelous Designer制作逼真的3D服装。Marvelous Designer自动穿着新功能,自动调整板片以及动态褶皱功能将使您更快速更方便地完成工作内容。
Streetwear Outfit In Marvelous Designer by flippednormals. In this Marvelous Designer tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a streetwear outfit from scratch – using simple yet powerful techniques. We’ll cover everything from making the underwear, pants, to making a nice folded sweater around her waist.
You’ll learn from Morten Jaeger, Co-Founder of FlippedNormals and former Senior Character Artist in the VFX industry. Morten’s most prominent Marvelous Designer work is probably his work on Baby Groot’s costume for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 – among many other projects. A lot of topics are covered to make you into an advanced Marvelous Designer user – such as internal lines, fold angles, making garment elastics, using pins – and more! By the end of this series, you’ll have a solid grasp on how to tackle all your Marvelous Designer needs.

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