C4D导入Spark AR软件教程 Mograph – C4D to Spark AR Crash-Course. SparkAR是Facebook推出的可以让使用者专属的AR滤镜並且直接分享在Facebook或Instagram上面的Ar软件。本教程讲解在C4D中制作简单的模型动画之后,如何桥接到Spark AR的流程步骤。作者Don将向您展示如何在Cinema 4D中制作基本的动画模型,如何以正确的格式导出模型,将其导入Spark AR,确保正确设置动画和应用纹理,添加环境以及如何发布分享。本课程与Spark AR的复杂内部工作无关,而与程序之间的工作流程有关。这将有助于您理解流程,从而开始AR之旅。
C4D to Spark AR Crash-Course: From Cinema 4D to publishing a filter in Spark AR within 1 hour. Instructed by Don Allen Stevenson III. Presented in 2K Resolution! Don will show you how to take a basic, animated model in Cinema 4D, export it in the correct format, import it into Spark AR, make sure it’s animating and placed correctly, apply a texture, add an environment, and upload for approval. This course is not about the complicated inner-workings of Spark AR, but rather the workflow between programs. It will help kick-start your understanding of the process so you can begin your AR journey. Subsequent mini-courses will cover other various topics in the world of Spark AR.
