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《野蛮人-逼真的角色Lookdev》作者Tom Newbury. Welcome to my latest Tutorial, Barbarian – Lookdev for Realistic Characters. This tutorial is an update of my older lookdev tutorial, with new processes and techniques while using up to date software. I show you how to lookdev the skin, as well as the props and accessories.
In this tutorial, I will be going over my entire process when it comes to doing Lookdev for a realistic character. The process is covered in-depth, with every step explained with narration, in real-time. There is a lot of content in this tutorial, but I have labeled the chapters in a way to make it easy for you to skip ahead or jump to the area which interests you most, without having to watch the entire process. I did this to make sure a beginner has all the information they need, or a more experienced artist can jump to the information they are seeking. By the end of the tutorial, you should have the knowledge and techniques to apply realistic shaders to your own characters.

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