本套教程在Maya中的模型场景,学习Arnold阿诺德渲染器渲染,学习Foundry公司3D纹理绘画软件Mari,学习NukeX和Photoshop合成特效。包括学习PS的Analog Efex Pro插件。讲解硬面贴图的制作,阿诺德渲染 alSurface着色器的使用,在Mari中添加贴图细节等。Maya阿诺德渲染器高级合成特效教程 Gumroad – Arnold – Look Development and Compositing by Nick Hodgson
This is the continuation from the previous tutorial. It will go over the setup and look development process using the exported maps from the first tutorial: Hard Surface Texturing for Production. We will be using the Arnold rendering engine to create our shaders with alSurface. We will be touching up and tweaking our maps in Mari to refine the look and address notes that may come up in a production environment. After finishing shading we set up built in AOVs and custom AOVs. Then we will cover rendering out our image and finally how to composite your artwork to make it presentable for a portfolio piece.
课程教学软件:Maya, Arnold/alSurface, Mari, Nuke, Photoshop