战斗机飞行开火特效场景教程,战斗机飞行特效场景教程 CGFastTrack – Blender Animation Fundamentals. 在Blender软件中制作战斗机场景动画,主要包括战斗机飞行进入画面,画面真实的抖动技术,在本动画初学者教程中,您将学习关键帧工具的基础知识。通过学习使用动画原理创建逼真的动态序列,使场景栩栩如生。通过碰撞练习学习Blender内部的关键帧工具,熟悉动画视图,时间轴。深入了解“图形编辑器”,在学习挤压和拉伸的原理以及如何使用空对象,动画修改器和驱动程序简化动画步骤,学习如何不使用关键帧制作动画,优化渲染动态序列图并合成渲染项目视频,课程包含项目源文件。
Blender Animation Fundamentals. In this tutorial for animation beginners, you’ll learn the basics of keyframing tools. Bring your scenes to life by learning to create believable, dynamic sequences using the principles of animation. Jet kit included! Start with the basics of keyframing tools inside of Blender with this easy-to-follow collision exercise. Get familiar with the animation view, timeline, and dope sheet as you begin your journey into animation. Dive deep into the Graph Editor and build the classic bouncing ball with a bit of Fast Track style. Follow along as you learn the principles of squash and stretch, as well as how to ease your animation with null objects, animation modifiers, and drivers. Learn the basics of procedural animation with this exciting turret system. Learn how to make objects move without using keyframes as well as additional rigging, animation modifiers, and a basic particle system. Step up your animation skills and build a cinematic sequence with the included jet kit. Build multiple shots and learn production techniques for building believable animated shots.
